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The Chron Father Co. All flowers from chronfather’s farm are premium quality and guaranteed fresh
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NightlyOwl9999·TheChronFather·1675d19 reviews

Purple Tropicana Cookies - TCF - Mid August 2020

So I seen TCF put this up on his site Tuesday night and I’ve been seeing this strain around a bunch lately and have really wanted to try it and I’m a huge fan of sativa’s, so I pulled the trigger on a QP and so far I’m not disappointed at all. I placed my order Wednesday morning and TCF had ...
amstadamn2·TheChronFather·1676d3 reviews

CakeCrasher | TheChronFather | Aug2020

unlike the name suggests, it reeks of piney gas

white ash, solid thick and consistent

nice dense rock hard nugs that are trimmed really tightly

high is strong from the start but mellows out within 40 minutes, where the body buzz will take over.. 50/50 hybrid from my experi...

Wedding Crasher L - The ChronFather - August 2020

Found this to definitely be a Quad! Taste almost like the Slurricane but a bit more gassy. It’s situations like this I’m happy I grabbed a QP

Mint Chocolate Chip - TCF - July

Heard and seen alot of nice pictures of this strain on here so as soon as I saw it, I knew I had to grab it. This did not dispoint at all!

Although this may not be the most visually appealing strain for AAAA, it certainly makes up for it in it’s smell and high. Smell some pine in there...
lee111u·TheChronFather·1690d41 reviews


My other post of this, the pictures didnt turn out proper. It deserves better respect then that. So here is a better photo. Same review applied. Sorry. First multiple picture post.
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