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The Chron Father Co. All flowers from chronfather’s farm are premium quality and guaranteed fresh
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joshbucky420·TheChronFather·1744d66 reviews

Purp Moon / The ChronFather / March 2020

Packaging; Tripple bagged then inside of a shipment box very professional with lots of logoing/labeling.

Looks; There are little blacks and purples hidden in these nice dense covered in crystal bud. Fairly colorful and trimmed to perfection.

Scent; To me this smelt very medical (we...
craftcannasur·TheChronFather·1751d16 reviews

Kush / TCF / May 2020

If I continue ordering with TCF in the future I will be sticking to the quad stuff. There’s a lot better AAA options out there imo. This stuff was decent for the price, gets you where you need to be but comparing to other stuff I’ve been getting for the same price, this stuff is nothing special....

Blue Gelato - TCF - May

Excellent strain! As you can see, slight hues of blues. Smells like cookies dought and is very sticky slightly too wet for my liking but nothing a bodeva pack and a few burps can fix. Heavy indica with the high up there. Lacking a bit of terps but nothing to complain for the price.
joshbucky420·TheChronFather·1760d66 reviews

Black Gas by Pesci / The Chron Father / March 2020

Packaging; Tripple bagged inside of a shipment box very professional with lots of logoing.

Looks; this was a nice sized bud. about 3.5 very dense and green with very little dark orange pistols. Nice and crystally with little hints of black leaves and a nice trim job.

Scent; Smelt v...

Super Sour OG-TheChronFather-May.22

Quality 9/10- Was pleasantly surprised by this strain looks exactly like the pics that TCF posted. Bag appeal is nice, good size buds that are bright green and packed with trichomes. Smells gassy, citrus and has sour notes that’s about the best I can explain it. Smokes good doesn’t have a lot of...
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