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Secret kush///tcf (RIP)/// mid December

Was hesitant on posting pics from tcf .... I have a bunch of his strains that came in over the last 4 weeks because I ordered weekly ... I'm holding gold I know ... Il post some more here soon as a Canadian heritage moment .

Garlicane & The Pretty Pink - TCF (rip)

I don’t typically post reviews but wanted to in honour of the TCF news this week. This was a replacement pack that I received yesterday. So for those of you who have tracking/still in transit don’t give up hope.

Both strains are fantastic quality. Everything I ever got from TCF was a...
Pauti25·TheChronFather·863d24 reviews

MKU, Thechronfather, November

Sad to say this might be the last batch I ever get from thechronfather.
Spocks-Nephew·TheChronFather·863d21 reviews

Hoodie-TCF-November 2021, RIP

The Man himself sent me this as a gift because of all the trouble recently. Damn it’s warm. Also quite the collectors item.

Edit: I also want to point out that TCF modelled proper mask wearing, even before the pandemic happened!
hit4party·TheChronFather·867d40 reviews

PinkxHindu by MQF - TCF - November

So I know it’s December already, I got this late November and wanted to smoke it first.

Once again MajorQuadFarms doesn’t miss with the Kush.

Smell: right out the bag you’re greeted with that classic “fire weed” smell you might remember from that one time you got it...
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