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/u/TheChronoCanada, [email protected]


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StonerSteve64·TheChrono·2733d474 reviews


One of the biggest nugs I’ve received from a MOM, 10.2 grams!

Smells and tastes like spicy marshmallows with a hint of lemon. Really dense nugs that are caked in crystals! At first it feels mind numbing than quickly turns to full out body buzz and complete relaxation. I’ve always loved ...
StonerSteve64·TheChrono·2733d474 reviews

[Survival Pack]-[The Chrono]-[Free after $300]-[08-28-17]

Pink Death Star has a very gassy kush that tickles the throat; strong body buzz that put’s you to sleep! This is definitely a great night time bud and relieves pain immediately. 9/10

Citrus Skunk has a super lemony and somewhat pine taste to it, not much of the skunk I was hoping for! Ver...
StonerSteve64·TheChrono·2733d474 reviews

[Pineapple Express]-[TheChrono]-[$120/oz]-[08-28-17]

This bud is amazing for the price, grab some while you can!

Super strong citrus/pine smell and taste with a very smooth exhale. Great day time bud as it’s a mellow body high but uplifting and energetic head high. I’ve only smoked a bowl of this so far but couldn’t imagine how nice it...
upnatom03·TheChrono·2734d1 review

Watermelon - The Chrono - 250$/oz - Aug 30/2017

Smelt like berrys when i opened the package but it was not extremely berry smelling....proply due to the fact its dry.... but does have the smell come through.....has a nice pleasent hint of fruity taste, not harsh at all...has white ash.....

Im sure if this was fresh picked the fruity smel...
Ameer7T3·TheChrono·2734d21 reviews

Pineapple Express - TheChrono - $120/Oz - 8/28/17

Has a nice scent and texture. Very mild stickiness to it when grinding it. Hits smooth, mainly white ash. Would highly recommend for the price!
1 · · ·18 19 20 21 22


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