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Aceofspades715·TheGentleHerb·1729d47 reviews

Purple Space Cookies - The Gentle Herb - July 2019

This was a sample provided by the MoM for an honest review

**Smell:** Strong smell that was noticeable right away when opening the bag that reminded me of fermented pineapples with a touch of tropical fruit and floral smells, very similar to other batches of this strain I’ve had.
jsj715·TheGentleHerb·1729d5 reviews

JaceOfSpade's The Gentle Herb review - 5 Flower, 2 Concentrates

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The Gentle Herb

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This was a sample pack, I did play with the site for a bit, the website is easy to browse and order f...
mcmaxx·TheGentleHerb·1740d48 reviews

Blue Hawaiian Skunk Indica Review | The Gentle Herb | July 2019

Blue Hawaiian Skunk Indica Review | 4.6 / 5

An appetizing name of some our favorite strains ... sweet hawaiian and stinky Skunk #1. A sample of 11-17% (medium to high) this bud IS priced pretty high but labelled a quad ...
mcmaxx123·TheGentleHerb·1740d51 reviews

Blue Hawaiian Skunk Indica Review | The Gentle Herb | July 2019

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\[The Gentle Herb\] Blue Hawaiian Skunk Indica Review | 4.6 / 5 | [Microscopic Photo](
tannerian1·TheGentleHerb·1741d3 reviews

The Gentle Herb motor oil. Definitely a steal of a deal.

My first order. 2 day delivery across the country. Wasn’t sure about this, it’s super cheap and I’ve tried some undesirable’s before. This stuff is very good. Good indica buzz, tastes like grand daddy purps, easy to work with, left my banger clean, and cheap. Mid tier at a very low tier pric...
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