
December 17, 2018
Review Count:
First Review:
December 17, 2018
Latest Review:
July 20, 2019


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mcmaxx·TheGentleHerb·2029d48 reviews

Blue Hawaiian Skunk Indica Review | 4.6 / 5

An appetizing name of some our favorite strains ... sweet hawaiian and stinky Skunk #1. A sample of 11-17% (medium to high) this bud IS priced pretty high but labelled a quad ...
mcmaxx·Cannabisvapes·2034d48 reviews

Gelato Hybrid CO2 Oil Review | 4.5 / 5

It’s been a while since we’ve checked out concentrates (shatter, honeycomb budder) so this time was nice we got a free sample of CO2 oil. Even tho we got it in the disposable one time use car...
mcmaxx·FarmHard·2044d48 reviews

6 Assorted clones from FarmHard, arrived great and about 2 days delivery

Threw them in fancy soil and they already look ...
mcmaxx·TheHighClub·2045d48 reviews

Lambs Bread Sativa Review | 4.4/5

Keeping in mind this strain is one of my go-to for daily smoke and is also often crossed with many strains when they need that ’sativa’-ish effect. From blueberry breath to blackberry breath ...
mcmaxx·Cannaleaf·2052d48 reviews

Nuken Indica Review | 3.5/5

Another nuken purposely chose quite soon after the last to be a proper comparison and pretty similarly priced ... so should be interesting to see how many of the characteristics carried over.

mcmaxx·KingTuts·2059d48 reviews

Nuken Indica Review | 3.3/5

Nuken seems to be one of the most popular flowers used for concentrates that we’ve seen (shatter, honeycomb, live resin, etc) but haven’t seen too much talk about the flower itself. Figure this 99$...
mcmaxx·SpeedGreens·2082d48 reviews

Rockstar Honeycomb Budder Hybrid Indica Review | 4.? / 5

Another honeycomb budder in an attempt to differentiate between the taste and strength of shatter, bud and honeycomb. Last time we looked at it we noticed shatter indeed had a s...
mcmaxx·6ixpensary·2083d48 reviews

Lemon Walker OG Hybrid Review | 3.9/5

A bit of a mystery bud not knowing much except it was a hybrid and probably smells/tastes like lemon. Not knowing how much THC/CBD either makes it quite an interesting bud to look at.

mcmaxx·KingTuts·2088d48 reviews

Northern Lights Appalacia The Mad Scientist Indica Review | 5/5

Northern Lights (at least the name) is a familiar strain that few potheads and regular folk have not heard before. We have looked at northern lights before but it’s...
mcmaxx·6ixpensary·2093d48 reviews

Video Review

Pink Frost Hybrid Review | 4.6/5

Another ’Pink’ strain which, from what I heard, is supposed to be quite stronger in strength based on the genetics. Thi...
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