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Exotic organic craft cannabis
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Assorted mix from kootney botanicals and budmail. Pretty happy with it all, animal cookies not so good. Also some true craft cannabis that I didn't like very much. Hash and Indica sampler feelsgoodman

No worries, I tried to give it a good chance bit it seemed too artificial to me maybe I didn’t like how it was grown. Was dry not sticky or dense and didn’t get me so faded. Maybe I just got bad luck but I didn’t like the violator, grape l.a or skunk. I may try it again in the future but deffs...

Ice Cream Cake / True Craft Cannabis / June 2020

burnt a bit darker than i expected, but it’s more of a light grey rather than black
MCDaddy75·TrueCraftCannabis·1725d432 reviews

Grape LA - True Craft Cannabis - May

**Grape LA from True Craft Cannabis – Indica Dominant Hybrid – (AAA)**

**Visual:** It was a lime green colour with bunches or dark brown hairs. It had smaller crystals, especially when compared to the ICC and the Violator. It had a dense look to it but it was very fresh and squishy.
MCDaddy75·TrueCraftCannabis·1726d432 reviews

Violator Kush - True Craft Cannabis - May

**Violator Kush from True Craft Cannabis – Indica Dominant Hybrid – (AAAA)**

**Visual:** It was a darker colour with some bright greens but mostly a dark green/purple colour. There were patches of brown hairs and tons of big crystal all throughout. It had an inner density with some oute...


I just got mine today also! Have yet to try it but man it smells amazing. And all of the buds I got are caked! Can’t wait to smoke this later today.
1 2 3 4 5 · · ·12


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