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WTFCannabis is Canada's leading online weed dispensary for quality products at an affordable price. We pride ourselves on also having the best customer service in the industry. All concentrate products on sale up to 25% OFF.
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Tab7879·WTFCannabis·739d268 reviews

HVE Afghan Skunk Live Resin, Wtfcannabis, February

High voltage extract with a really good live resin. The texture it really nice for working with. The smell was really nice also. Nice and pleasant floral smell with maybe a hint of gas.

The burn was super smooth. Very tasty, very much like the smell. Very clean as well. Definitely one of...
Icy_Money_868·WTFCannabis·740d70 reviews

MAC1 - WTFCannabis - March 1 2023

Bag Appeal: 8.1/10 The buds of MAC 1 are dense and tightly-packed, with a vibrant green colour and flecks of orange hairs. They glisten with trichomes, giving the appearance of a frosty mountain peak.

Smell: 7.9/10 When I opened the bag, I was hit with a pungent aroma that was a mix of s...
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·741d268 reviews

Hindu Kush, Wtfcannabis, February

A nice hindu kush with a good cure. It also is very frosted, really nice purples and quite dense. It has a great kinda piney smell with some citrus.

The burn is quite smooth. Easy to smoke, and has an awesome taste very similar to the smell.

The buzz is quite powerful. A real r...
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·742d268 reviews

HVE Live Resin, Death Bubba, Wtfcannabis, February

High voltage Extracts live resin is just amazing. I don't think I have had it before. The smell is really nice. Very strong and floral. The texture is nice and soft and easy to work with.

The burn is extremely clean. The flavor is very potent and fresh tasting. It really is a well mad...
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·745d268 reviews

Pre 98 Bubba, Wtfcannabis, February

A really good pre 98. It had a nice cure, great green colors with nice red hairs flowing around. The trim was pretty tight, and the buds were a nice sized medium. The smell has a really nice kushy taste to it that I really liked, and it was pretty strong.

The burn is pretty clean, burns ...
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