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WTFCannabis is Canada's leading online weed dispensary for quality products at an affordable price. We pride ourselves on also having the best customer service in the industry. All concentrate products on sale up to 25% OFF.
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Tab7879·WTFCannabis·765d268 reviews

Dolato FSE, Wtfcannabis, February

This is a great product. It has great color, a nice thicker sauce and nice good size diamonds. The smell is really rich of nice floral smells.

The burn is quite clean and smooth. Very good for spreading on a paper or melting in a rig. The taste is very rich and floral.

The high...
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·767d268 reviews

Sesh Hash Joint, Wtfcannabis, February

This indica hash joint is a really nice treat. It is well rolled, not too tight or loose. The smell had a nice gassy smell and you can also get the hash smell in it which makes it very nice

The burn was very clean and white, and also slow burning. It also burns very even. It tastes stro...
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·769d268 reviews

Tom Ford, Wtfcannabis, January

A really nice Tom Ford. This bud is sticky, and heavily coated in crystals. The colors are great also with nice deep green, with spots of purple. The smell is very strong with earthy and hints of sweet.

The burn is very clean. It has nice white ash, very smooth smoke, and a pleasant flavo...
Aogiring·WTFCannabis·773d15 reviews

Matro Blue - WTFCannabis - January 2023

Very good strain to relieve restlessness, especially my restless leg syndrome and it really helps get the body in chill mode. I can't complain for the price and I enjoy the smoke. Thick smooth smoke that had a signature taste.
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·777d268 reviews

Jungle Cake, Wtfcannabis, January

Another round of jungle Cake and its as good as the last time. This is heavily Frosted, really nice colors, great cure, and nice larger sized buds. The smell is great also, a kinda earthy and and sweet. It's also quite sticky.

The burn is really clean, nice and smooth, and the taste i...
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