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WTFCannabis is Canada's leading online weed dispensary for quality products at an affordable price. We pride ourselves on also having the best customer service in the industry. All concentrate products on sale up to 25% OFF.
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Tab7879·WTFCannabis·914d268 reviews

Macflurry Live Resin, Wtfcannabis, july

A really fresh batch of Macflurry live resin. Nice and Juicy. The texture is as such that it kinda leaves a stretchy line on the dabber when you scoop it out.

The smell was very clean, with a beautiful deep resin and a hint of the flower in there. This also carries over into the smoke. Ex...
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·917d268 reviews

Oreoz, Wtfcannabis, july

This was a really nice smelling bud. It had a really great smell of chocolate, with hints of gas, but the chocolate really comes through strong.

The buds were mainly medium size with a few smalls and were covered pretty heavy with crystals. They also had the perfect cure, and burned real...
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·919d268 reviews

Black Platinum, Wtfcannabis, july

I was extremely happy with this one. Straight from the bag you could see the crystals stuck to the bag is was so heavily coated. And when you pulled it out it left your fingers just as coated.

The colors of the bud were really nice to go along with it. It had a nice green color, with a n...
pixidis43·WTFCannabis·923d11 reviews

Grapefruit - WTFCannabis - July


70% Sativa/ 30% Indica
Herbal, Earthy, Sour and sweet
Claims to reduce Anxiety, Depression, Pain and stress.
Helped me in the anxiety area but I felt like the anxiety came back very quickly after sleeping it off. Lucky this is a good fast acting strain that I fee...
pixidis43·WTFCannabis·923d11 reviews

Blue Fin Tuna - WTFCannabis - July 2022

Blue Fin Tuna

60% indica/ 40% Sativa
Blueberry, Citrus, fruity, sour and spicy
Claims to reduce Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Insomnia, Muscle Spasms and Stress
All the claims on this is true. This treated a lot of the pain I had in my knee. I admit it didn't cure it completel...
1 · · ·38 39 40 41 42 · · ·139


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