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WTFCannabis is Canada's leading online weed dispensary for quality products at an affordable price. We pride ourselves on also having the best customer service in the industry. All concentrate products on sale up to 25% OFF.
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lemieux6262·WTFCannabis·1349d205 reviews

Cookie Dough- WTF Cannabis- June 2021

Beautiful buds with a thoroughly caked exterior what resembled the previously reviewed Gelato 33. However, had some light and dark green background with streaks of purple that really made for some impressive bag appeal. Small to medium sized chunky structure feeling moderately dense, plus with a nea...
lemieux6262·WTFCannabis·1352d205 reviews

Pink Rockstar Flower Rosin- WTF Cannabis (The Squishlist)- June 2021

Such crazy looking rosin with much of the product looking light and pale with a layer of deep amber terps covering the top making it look a deep caramel colour. There were also several pockets where you could see collections runny amber goodness underneath the jar. It generally appeared to have a he...
lemieux6262·WTFCannabis·1353d205 reviews

Strawpicanna??- WTF Cannabis- June 2021

That...looks beautiful for wtfcannabis

Edit: 220 a zip I just checked nvm looks fairly priced, but still a killer bag appeal
lemieux6262·WTFCannabis·1355d205 reviews

Pink Skunk FSE Cart- WTF Cannabis ( cumulus carts)-June 2021

Very clean looking with a rich yellow hue and a slightly opaque or thickened look to it straight out of the protective sleeve. After having it in my hand for a short period of time it became much less viscous and moreso of a clear fluid with the same attractive colours. The source of this FSE that w...
lemieux6262·WTFCannabis·1355d205 reviews

Gelato 33- WTF Cannabis- June 2021

A bit of a mixup left me testing out the AAA version of this strain last go around; but the guys at WTF hooked me up with the correct version this time around (being the AAAA version) . Either way this one arrived with a near perfect trim on the fat chunky buds alongside an overly “caked” lookin...
1 · · ·60 61 62 63 64 · · ·139


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