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WTFCannabis is Canada's leading online weed dispensary for quality products at an affordable price. We pride ourselves on also having the best customer service in the industry. All concentrate products on sale up to 25% OFF.
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Tab7879·WTFCannabis·517d268 reviews

Death Bubba, Wtfcannabis, Sept

A really great smelling bud. This has nice medium buds, firm, and sticky.

The smoke was really smooth. A nice clean burn and really nice pine flavor. It busts up really nice also, really opening up the smells.

The high is really strong, with a nice relaxing buzz. It last for q...
slobozescy·WTFCannabis·523d15 reviews

Headband - WTFCannabis - Sep'

? Mostly small-med size. Firm but not sticky. Aside from the size it looks okay but wasn't impressive.

? There's a bit of diesel and a bit of lemon. It goes well together.

? Usually a pipe in the morning or joints in the afternoon. Burn fine and the ash was salt an...
slobozescy·WTFCannabis·523d15 reviews

Hogs Breath - WTFCannabis - Sep'

? Small and compact, It's relatively sticky and has a light green look to it.

? Pungent-smelling indica and quite nutty too.

? Dry vape, joint gives salt and pepper ash.

? There's also a hint of cheddar as well but it's mostly nutty exhale. Smoke f...
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·524d268 reviews

Sesh Blunt, Wtfcannabis, Sept

This is a really beautiful blunt. The smell is very deep of earthy tones, and has a nice dusting of keif.

The burn is really even, light ash, and smokes quite smooth. It's really tasty a with the wrap used, a nice change from a regular rolling paper, and easy to take big tokes.
Icy_Money_868·WTFCannabis·538d70 reviews

Sesh Moonrock Joint - WTFCannabis - Sept

Appearance: Seriously good-looking joint. Kinda thick, and you can see the coating. Rating: 9.4/10.

Smell: Strong, with a bit of that hash smell coming through. Pretty inviting. Rating: 9.2/10.

Taste: It's got this earthy flavor with a bit of a twist. I'm into it. Ratin...
1 · · ·6 7 8 9 10 · · ·139


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