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IG: @weedposters & @wizardwillrise
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christmas pink - weedposters - february 2021
bag appeal -not the best looking weed, but its what you would generally expect for most pink. pretty huge nugs with the smallest one being almost 2 grams. 7.5/10 nose/taste - i would describe it has a piney/woody smell and taste to it, im not the biggest fan as i prefer those fruity/lemon taste but ...

3 in the meat - weedposters - february 2021
bag appeal - this one is absolutely beautiful. it looks covered in snow and might be the best looking weed ive ever got. a great mix of white, purple and orange 10/10 nose/taste- it smelled to me like a lemon, and had pretty much the same « lemoney » taste to it. not very good to describe it but...

Nice vanilla and creme smell to this and Im also getting the garlic. This is a 120 oz wasnt expecting much. Ended up being a decent smoke the potency isnt that crazy, but for the price it had nice bag apeal smell and burn.

Reeked of orange when I opened the jar, I got hints of skunk and gas too which is actually a really nice combo, taste was alright and high was above average for the price $120 oz, big chunky buds and were really sticky. Came in at like 32g too

Got this for they’re valentine day sale for $45 a oz and it’s all mixed size buds I can’t complain for the price some of the strains in it are actually gas

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