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IG: @weedposters & @wizardwillrise


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bellatron·WeedPosters·1691d110 reviews

Pre-98 Bubba - Weedposters - July '20

Heavy eyelid smooth smoke that makes it perfect before bed. Safe buy, no complaints, huge chunky gassy nugs.
nnnsss15·WeedPosters·1692d70 reviews

Candyland - Weedposters - Late July 2020

Just trying it out now:)
nnnsss15·WeedPosters·1692d70 reviews

Lemon Skywalker OG - Weedposters - Late July2020

very large buds, received 3 buds that made up 14G very big and beautiful looking, surprisingly very muted smell and taste, no lemon, but buzz is good though:) These were my first orders from WP, and shipping was impressive/fast and packaging is very neat and cool, the jars and posters are a nice to...
rdl1979ab·WeedPosters·1696d9 reviews

Kush mints #11 - weedposters - July 2020

Looks: mostly smalls, but completely caked with some lil purple in there. Very sticky.

Smell: a musky funk maybe a slight cheese to it.

Taste: strong gas and chem. Hits hard similar to the gmo. A heavy hitter!

Burn: white to light grey ash.

Love that they send ...
BassMasterr·WeedPosters·1698d1 review

Dave's 11 week pink , weed posters , July 2020

After reading a positive review on here I decided to order daves 11 week pink from weedposters. This is not the daves 11 week pink that I received from CE many times in the past before they changed the way they do business. 14 grams of tiny little popcorn nugs. Doesnt have that pungeant smell that I...
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