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IG: @weedposters & @wizardwillrise


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MistaMOE18·WeedPosters·1755d33 reviews

Dosi Punch / Weed Posters / May 2020

Strain: [Dosi Punch ](

Mom: Weed Posters

Cultivator: Private ACMPR

Batch Date: May 17th

Packaging/Shipping: Mailed in a pain white box with all sides taped, inside the box is the premium WP box which contained my two Qs. Both were in ...
frankieq10·WeedPosters·1755d255 reviews

Peanut Butter Breath #4 - CE from Weedposters - May

Got this for 140 for 14gs all in, shipping was free from the sale code.

Anyways nice stuff here, got PBB#26 last time from WP in my mixed oz which was good but I liked this even better surprisingly, this is the one I have nostalgia for. Burns clean, white, nice hybrid high for day or night....
MistaMOE18·WeedPosters·1755d33 reviews

Mint Chocolate Chip / Weed Posters / May 2020

Strain: [Mint Chocolate Chip](
Mom: Weed Posters
Cultivator: Private ACMPR
Batch Date: May 17th

Packaging/Shipping: Mailed in a pain white box with all sides taped, inside the box is the premium WP box which contained my two Qs. Both were in separat...
David_LK83·WeedPosters·1755d36 reviews

Meatbreath #29 (CE) - Weedposters - May 2020

Made this order May 14th in the evening, it was shipped on the 15th. Long weekend, 0 updates until last night when it updated in MTL (big relief lol) and made it’s way to me today so extremely happy to finally get this package and have the chance to try this bud. Also have to say that after seeing...
PorkBellyHeaven·WeedPosters·1756d10 reviews

Mimosa | Weedposters | End of May

Wow, terpy as a motherfucker. One of the most flavorful smokes I’ve had this month, blasts the room with citrus notes that Tropicana would be jealous of. Uplifting effects come on within minutes and I’m just bobbin to Freddie Kane enjoying myself. Burns white.
Cheers guys!
V9 Q9.2
1 · · ·166 167 168 169 170 · · ·196


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