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IG: @weedposters & @wizardwillrise


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ledgrowguy420·WeedPosters·976d20 reviews

Bubble Hash // Weed Posters // June 20.... I Have a question below

So I split a half ounce with a buddy of mine and this stuff is so hard to work with it reminds me of the shatter that unless it's in the fridge it turns into complete tacky I guess if you're hitting bongs or dab it's fine but for myself trying to put it in a joint in the nightmare
ledgrowguy420·WeedPosters·988d20 reviews

Slurricane // Weed Posters // June 10

Picked this up with their 2 oz special. Really didn't want 2 but love Slurricane and last few times I've grabbed it waqqàsn't really impressed (from different MoMs).

Once I opened that bag I was smacked with those true classic Slurricane terps we've come to expect from p...
BreedWeed85·WeedPosters·997d59 reviews

Jealousy (Kootz) - Weed posters - June 1st.

I just grabbed fire cookies LSo from weed posters and it got to me in the Niagara Falls area balls area in one day so they are definitely back they are definitely back to normal shipping standards. The flower was very pretty. Covered in crystal. It choked my hand grinder up. Great flower for the tag

FinestTerps·WeedPosters·1025d2 reviews

OGKB (Koots) -WeedPosters - end of april

dried and cured perfect can tell it was cold cure,great color on it,bright green and purple buds totally covered in cloudy sticky trichs inside and out,camera does not do justice.. Strong nose,full of terps..I get a creamy cream soda strawberry ice cream with a gassy back end,translating great to fl...
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