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IG: @weedposters & @wizardwillrise


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Sundae driver ? - weedposters - December 2021

Lemon Congo ? - weedposters - December 2021

Piffdiet·WeedPosters·1166d4 reviews

Pre rolls. - Weedposters

I had to try those since both strains( AAAA+) were sold out..

there are just so tasty and well rolled with a wooden tip.

I wasn't expecting much seriously , but i ended really enjoying it.!?
BigBushyMan·WeedPosters·1169d5 reviews

JellyBomb x Kush Mints Weedposters Nov21’Incentivised Review

So unfortunately I lost my sense of smell while I had this beauty so I cannot attest to the nose but it did taste amazingly fruity and was an extremely enjoyable smoke! I grabbed a quarter as an add on to my order and immediately wished I had purchased more! Busted up beautifully fluffy and was a ni...
mapofusa·WeedPosters·1172d2 reviews

Rainbow Punch LSO (Smalls) - WeedPosters - December 2021

Rainbow Punch LSO (Smalls)

This is hands down the best weed I have ever had for 140. Insanely strong smell and the terps are VERY loud. I usually grab 2 ounces as a treat every few months - one higher priced, and one lower priced. For the first time the lower priced ounce actually exce...
1 · · ·34 35 36 37 38 · · ·196


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