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IG: @weedposters & @wizardwillrise


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jakedebb·WeedPosters·1276d19 reviews

Cake - Weedposters - sept 2021

Cake was a solid strain as always from WP. It Had a nice sweetish flavour to it along with a nice clean white ash burn making it a smooth clean strain to smoke. As always WP sent it packaged In a mason jar keeping all the flower fresh and not damaged or squished. overall I’ve been satisfied with a...
EM_PI·WeedPosters·1276d27 reviews

Pink Zombie - Sourced from Weed Posters Grown by Beautiful Bc Flowers - Sept 2021 - Incentivized

Quarter came double vacuum sealed and in a mason jar. Medium smallish buds, with some nice crystal coverage and medium density.

Smell is mostly Gas/typical pink smell. Taste is pretty similar with some earthiness on the aftertaste. Enjoyable smooth smoke with a whitish ash.

EM_PI·WeedPosters·1276d27 reviews

Blue Raspberry Lso - Sourced from Weed Posters grown by LSO Gem - Sept 2021 - Incentivized

My quarter was 8g, and came in 2 buds. Was double vacuum sealed in a mason jar. Big Crystally Buds

The smell is pretty wild on this one. Blue Raspberry is exactly how I would describe it, and it reeks of it. After grinding up enough for a toke, I could still only smell this in my grin...
loveweed666666·WeedPosters·1277d76 reviews

Blue Raspberry LSO, WeedPosters, September 2021

Huge Budz, The terps on this one is unreal, razz galore, Perfect cure, Salt and pepper ash
loveweed666666·WeedPosters·1277d76 reviews

Peyote cookies "smalls", WeedPosters, September 2021,

Real nice flower, unique flavor profile with hints of guava, vanilla, coffee and earth. Burns beautiful, white ash, very smooth,
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