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IG: @weedposters & @wizardwillrise


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A8808·WeedPosters·1403d44 reviews

Death Garlic Oil (Mega Gas) Weedposters May 6 2021

The prices were crazy a oz was 130 no need for bulk i just grabbed a qp since Im splitting it with a friend and 480 is a steal
lee111u·WeedPosters·1405d41 reviews


This stuff stinks. I think all weed should smell this potent.

Nice and sticky. Medium density. Smell of pine and gas. Im not too up on the new phrases but this would be ”loud” to me. Smooth smoke. Grayish ash. Doesnt mind me none. I'd give it a solid Q:8.5 V:9. Some buds were a li...
Rayumi·WeedPosters·1406d334 reviews

AAA Smalls 420 - weedposters - April 2021

Snagged a pretty good deal on 420. Essentially got this for free.

Not bad overall The bag appeal for smalls was extremely nice Some were med size Some of the nugs were CAKED and some not so much. A well balanced mix.

some nice orange peel smelling nugs (mostly this) Some chocol...
Rayumi·WeedPosters·1407d334 reviews

OG Gas - Weedposters - April 2021

Best packaging. Came in Mason jar in a cardboard box

The visual appeal of these small-med sized nugs are pretty dense and are covered in trichomes. With some red hairs and some purple hue.

Smell is pretty gassy with a hint of earthy undertones and good classic OG smell.
Rayumi·WeedPosters·1407d334 reviews

Watermelon Kush - Weedposters - April 2021

The packaging is the best I've seen. Comes in Mason jars in cardboard boxes.

The visual appeal of this is extremely nice very dense nug. Biggest one was 7.4g.

Smell is skunky fruit. With a little hint of cheese Smoke is fruity earthy. Ash is Pepper Pretty smooth smoke o...
1 · · ·94 95 96 97 98 · · ·196


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