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September 11, 2020


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Ajhgas32·WeedPosters·1648d2 reviews
This is the other strain I got with my order and boy does it live up to its name. It smells of straight gas and the smell becomes even stronger when grinded up. My quarter consisted of small nugs that had thick milky trichomes weaving throughout as well as being super dense and sticky. It weighed in...
Ajhgas32·WeedPosters·1648d2 reviews
This was my 9th order with weedposters and I have yet to be disappointed. I got 7 grams of this as well as 7 grams of the oil rig (will have review up soon). Ordered on labour day and it was shipped the same day! Came on Thursday. My quarter consisted of 2 medium sized nugs and one fat 4.4 gram nug ...
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