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April 10, 2022


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CAMomsThrowAway·WeedPosters·1432d16 reviews
WeedPosters Mixed AAA Valentine's Sale.

Mixed buds of different strains. At first I thought most looked almost identical but was incorrect. Smalls buds just as described. I would say these strains are between AAA- and AAA+ in quality. In second look, some buds have some purple buds p...
CAMomsThrowAway·WeedPosters·1432d16 reviews
Valentine's Day special at $80/oz.

Very large buds all around. Was expecting very small to medium size buds. Looks to be about 4-5 strains at between .5-2G bugs. Obviously many different terps depending on the strain.

Tried the largest nug in this picture. Burned clear wh...
CAMomsThrowAway·WeedPosters·1445d16 reviews
Pink Nitro from WP. $90ho

Fantastic bag appeal. Very gassy smelling but smokes like PK. White ash. Buds on the medium to large size. Also included a sample of Death Bubba which I enjoyed and knocked me right out.

Incentive:$5 credit per strain

Q:8 V:9
CAMomsThrowAway·WeedPosters·1446d16 reviews
Platinum Pink Boxing Day Deal $40oz

Taste very close to PK from everywhere else. Very good smoke for the price. Buds on the small to medium side. Smoke was ashy but mostly grey. Very smokeable but I will use half for extracts considering the decent potency. I know this will be downvoted b...
CAMomsThrowAway·WeedPosters·1446d16 reviews
Boxing Day Special

This Bubba was posted as a one time special to be used for extracts or edibles. Was expecting smalls, most buds medium size. Def smokable, burns peppery.

Pretty much what you would expect from Bubba. The price after Boxing Day was raised to $70 a zip. Honest...
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