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January 17, 2021


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ConcernedLEAF·WeedCargo·1899d15 reviews
Quality bud. Smells like cheesy blueberries, probably the best weed I’ve smelled in months. As for the smoke, it burns ashy white and has a smooth inhale/exhale. Tastes are pretty nice, almost a hint of fruity/pine.
ConcernedLEAF·Sunset BC·1908d15 reviews
Only tried it a handful of times, that being said, tastes just like rockstar flower.. piney with a little harshness too it. As for potency, it’s definitely there. A few rips off my sionara mod and I’m blasted.

However it does seem to leave the bucket quite dirty, as you’d expect from ...
Unfortunately I haven’t tried it yet, but will in a couple days! If I remember I’ll reply again :)
The high is very enjoyable, I’m more of an indica guy but the high off this is low paranoia. Though, the smoke is a little harsh.
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