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November 22, 2021


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DabloEscobar710·OnlyGas·1204d2 reviews
Strain: death bubba

Look: The looks on this stuff is pretty good. Came in medium to small nugs. Quite a few nice colors on this bud. When you crack it open the untouched trichomes jump out at you.

Terps: terps on this are gassy and pine. Lots of gas. Perfect night time smoke o...
DabloEscobar710·OnlyGas·1217d2 reviews
Strain: rockstar

Look: nice big nugs with really nice cure and trim. The trichomes are nice a white all the way through to the stem. Super nice bag appeal and has hues purple on buds

Terps: the terps are dank on this one. Smell is gassy with like a sweet dank vibe. It translat...
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