Appearance: Most large and medium sized nugs which was a plus. Not much crystal but still packed a punch.
Aroma: personally prefer a fruity aroma more so might be a bit biased here since its a bit gassy but not as gassy as some other lower quality strains which I prefer.
Potenc...y: the hit was everything you expect from a AAAA strain, solid as always and does the trick. For casual smokers this strain would hit real good and is really reliable for heavy smokers.
Verdict: Got it at 182/oz then after credits and discounts it went to 153. 153 for an ounce with this quality will never disappoint.
Appearance: Mix of Large to Small sized nugs, not the best but nothing to complain about. Not extreme crystallization either but for a AAAA- again not much to complain about
Aroma: personally prefer a fruity aroma more so might be a bit biased here since its a bit gassy. Not too gassy to... stink up the entire house but enough for everyone to get a whiff.
Potency: the hit was everything you expect from a AAAA- strain, solid but not as good as a real quad. For casual smokers this strain would hit hard but for heavy smokers not as much after a while.
Verdict: Got it at 144/oz then after credits and discounts it went to 115. 115 for an ounce with this quality is a steal anywhere IMO, keep an eye out for this deal again.