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March 31, 2021


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EZ3L1·HighGradeAid·1451d3 reviews
Appearance: Most large and Medium sized nugs again, great quality in terms of look and feel.

Aroma: this one was very gassy but probably my favorite kind. I usually dont like the gassy flavor but this one hooks you with a subtle hit.

Potency: Hit is top notch as always, even as...
EZ3L1·HighGradeAid·1477d3 reviews
Appearance: Most large and medium sized nugs which was a plus. Not much crystal but still packed a punch.

Aroma: personally prefer a fruity aroma more so might be a bit biased here since its a bit gassy but not as gassy as some other lower quality strains which I prefer.

EZ3L1·HighGradeAid·1527d3 reviews
Appearance: Mix of Large to Small sized nugs, not the best but nothing to complain about. Not extreme crystallization either but for a AAAA- again not much to complain about

Aroma: personally prefer a fruity aroma more so might be a bit biased here since its a bit gassy. Not too gassy to...
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