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January 15, 2021


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MadamPompadouf·OnyxPhenos·1501d31 reviews
Quality: 7.5/10 Value: 7/10

Lineage: Tahoe Og x Harlequin x Querkle

Appeal: Came in quite squished along with the other two samples so the bud doesn't look amazing but it is nicely covered in trichomes. Unfortunately the sample contained a seed which seems to have happened...
MadamPompadouf·OnyxPhenos·1507d31 reviews
Quality: 8.2/10 Value: 7.3/10

Lineage: Purple Urkle x Bubba Kush x Tina

Appeal: Really dig the appeal of this one. Beautiful mix of green and purple leaves that are nicely covered in trichomes. The bud feels a bit too moist, maybe needed to dry a bit more.

Smell: Ve...
Definitely looks like mold my friend. It is unfortunate since the bud looks so good otherwise. The bud is useless and you shouldn’t risk a respiratory infection, especially during flu season.

I hope you can get compensation for the bag because simply put:

mold + lungs = dang...
-This product was gifted for the purpose of reviewing. The review reflects my nonprofessional opinion of the flower. I'll be rating value based on the price posted on the website prior to sales-

Quality: 7.5/10 Value: 8.5/10

Appeal: Decent bag appeal, the leaves are a m...
- This product was gifted for the purpose of reviewing. The review reflects my nonprofessional opinion of the flower. I'll be rating value based on the price posted on the website prior to sales -

Quality: 7.5/10 Value: 8/10

Appeal: Dense nug with darker yellowish-green to...
- This product was gifted for the purpose of reviewing. The review reflects my nonprofessional opinion of the flower. I'll be rating value based on the price posted on the website prior to sales -

Quality: 6.5/10 Value: 6/10

Appeal: Visually very appealing nug, the leaves ...
- This product was gifted for the purpose of reviewing. The review reflects my nonprofessional opinion of the flower. I'll be rating value based on the price posted on the website prior to sales -

Quality: 7.2/10 Value: 7/10

Appeal: Nicely grown bud with a dense structure,...
- This product was gifted for the purpose of reviewing. The review reflects my nonprofessional opinion of the flower. I'll be rating value based on the price posted on the website prior to sales -

Quality: 8.2/10 Value: 8/10

Appeal: This Gelato 33 is not as purple as some ...
- This product was gifted for the purpose of reviewing. The review reflects my nonprofessional opinion of the flower. I'll be rating value based on the price posted on the website -

Quality: 7.7/10 Value: 8.2/10

Appeal: Very frosty nug, covered in trichomes from top to bo...
- This product was gifted for the purpose of reviewing. The review reflects my nonprofessional opinion of the flower. I'll be rating value based on the price posted on the website -

Quality: 7/10 Value: 8.5/10

Appeal: Very dense bud with an equally dense covering of tricho...
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