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April 21, 2021


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MatthewJMcleod·HighGradeAid·1427d5 reviews
Picked this up along with some CBD meds for my mother in law. I dont usually smoke sativa. This is a hybrid that is leaning more towards a heady body rush and less indica effects. For that reason I'm not a fan of this flower. My wife likes Gelato strains and she says it's good in her books s...
MatthewJMcleod·HighGradeAid·1448d5 reviews
Picked this up 30% off. It is definently a quad and definitely an indica. Pick this up if your looking for a nice night cap. I'm a daily smoker and would not recomend this strain for daytime use. Not if you want to get anything done.
MatthewJMcleod·HighGradeAid·1456d5 reviews
Very fair price with a sale going on. 6 x 1g for 126$. I like all that I have tried. Its pretty decent quality and the high is even and what you expect from decent shatter. I wasnt a huge fan of the sugar wax. We also got some zoomers that didnt do a single thing for use at all. They were in clearan...
MatthewJMcleod·HighGradeAid·1461d5 reviews
Another bomb strain at a budget from HGA. Seriously covered in trichomes and the high is potent af. I'm ordering a zip of this next time 100. Indica through and through.
Amazing flower by HGA. I understand the hype now. Could be a bit gassier based on others reviews on passed batches but this is still a great smoke.

HVE cart is nice and smooth, better than most I've tried for sure.
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