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March 3, 2022


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Pinkieoos·HighGradeAid·1458d21 reviews
This thing makes me so lazy .. I didn’t even feel like writing this review.... yea
Pinkieoos·HighGradeAid·1480d21 reviews
now listen I’m not good with describing the smells and textures and all that (but I love those that do y’all be taking me on a vibe with just yall words lol) I just like to get high! my fav is the death chocolate mousse.. they all smell like dirt and grass ? ultra bubba smells burnt. Weed is so...
Pinkieoos·HighGradeAid·1514d21 reviews
1000 mg peach syrup. 3rd flavour I tried and it has once again confirmed that they all taste the same only difference was that this one was a thicker consistency. Im stuck on this stuff for now I def recommend it, one bottle lasts me 2days. the high isn’t the same as smoking but it’s close. My f...
Pinkieoos·HighGradeAid·1527d21 reviews
First I had mango now I have the Strawberry flavour honestly they taste the same and only a very slight after taste.
Pinkieoos·HighGradeAid·1527d21 reviews
Great buzz smell is very strong.
Pinkieoos·HighGradeAid·1538d21 reviews
This syrup is the best! This flavour is mango I mixed it with sprite and it taste like regular juice with a very slight after taste. the high hits you hard and gave me a great nap will def always be added to my order from now on.
Pinkieoos·HighGradeAid·1541d21 reviews
Anything under 1000mg doesn’t get me high but it’s great for people with a low tolerance. It has a infused taste but it’s not horrible I put this shit on everything eat and smoke with it for a great high.
Pinkieoos·HighGradeAid·1549d21 reviews
taste Good has a weed after taste tho. Not strong enough for me.
Pinkieoos·HighGradeAid·1549d21 reviews
These taste so good my favourite by far. Taste like regular candy.
Pinkieoos·HighGradeAid·1651d21 reviews
yea I love it
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