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March 3, 2022


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Pinkieoos·HighGradeAid·1112d21 reviews
My incentive: $25 off and free shipping on my next order with HGA. Smells faintly like fresh cut grass. The high is strong with a rush of tiredness.
Pinkieoos·HighGradeAid·1225d21 reviews
Very potent high puts me in deep thoughts and makes me sleepy after a couple hrs. The smell is strong and it hits smoot. My incentive: $25 off and free shipping on my next order with HGA.
Pinkieoos·HighGradeAid·1301d21 reviews
Very potent high and makes me sleepy after a couple hrs, I love it and the smell is hella strong my room is dank out even with it being in a smell proof bag. My incentive: $25 off and free shipping on my next order with HGA.
Pinkieoos·HighGradeAid·1344d21 reviews
I sprinkled this on with master kush and got a instant high very potent, had me very sleepy after about 3hrs. I thought it was going to be hard but it felt like wax. My incentive: $25 off and free shipping on my next order with HGA.
Pinkieoos·HighGradeAid·1348d21 reviews
I sprinkled this on with master kush and got a instant high very potent, had me very sleepy after about 3hrs. I thought it was going to be hard but it felt like wax.
Pinkieoos·HighGradeAid·1363d21 reviews
Mellow smell, nice high, taste Smokey lls
Pinkieoos·HighGradeAid·1391d21 reviews
Best thing I smoked yet! Remind me of the high i would get in high school ? I can’t describe the smell but it smells good af. I mixed it with a sample they gave me sunny something (i threw the wrapper away) I want more now. ?
Pinkieoos·HighGradeAid·1404d21 reviews
nice high then puts you right to sleep, smell is grassy and not too strong, slightly sticky.
Pinkieoos·HighGradeAid·1434d21 reviews
This is a great deal I get to try so many different strains and it comes with a lot I just wish the baggies was smell proof. In the pic I grinded 4 strains together (next slide will show the strains) and the high is powerful and energetic. if you hate grinding weed or grind a lot of weed a coffee gr...
Pinkieoos·HighGradeAid·1448d21 reviews
It doesn’t taste or smell like creamsicle but I has a nice taste and smell. The high is mellow but powerfu.
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