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February 19, 2019


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Suicid3Jump3r·HillSidePharms·2199d13 reviews
Really sticky with a very rich terp profile. First time trying it but it is similar to the purple nuken they had(except the nuken was dry). Insanely fruity floral aroma combined with a hazey after taste makes this a great all around smoke. Perfectly cured, white ash, stays evenly lit, STAYS lit...
Suicid3Jump3r·HillSidePharms·2223d13 reviews
10/10 best on the menu. Sticky musky floral buds, mildy pungent, extremely intoxicating.

Worth the $ for sure. Lineage unknown but it’s pretty indica leaning for me
Suicid3Jump3r·HillSidePharms·2240d13 reviews
It’s smooth and creamy. Really enjoyable with my morning coffee
Suicid3Jump3r·HillSidePharms·2268d13 reviews
Suicid3Jump3r·HillSidePharms·2270d13 reviews
I ordered from JJ one time and it was dry. Far too dry to work with
Suicid3Jump3r·HillSidePharms·2270d13 reviews
One of the best I have tried
Suicid3Jump3r·HillSidePharms·2271d13 reviews
Haven’t smoked a j yet but it sure is tasty in a vape. Very densely coated buds with a high amount of cloudy trichomes. Very strong velvet flavor but also very sweet like candy. 2 weeks in a jar then I’ll try a joint
Suicid3Jump3r·KootenayCraft·2315d13 reviews
Smooth creamy smoke. White ash accompanied by an even burn. I want to say it has a chocolatey coffee/cheesey undertone. Really spot on with flavor thats for sure! Mouth watering aromas radiate from the buds
Suicid3Jump3r·KootenayCraft·2316d13 reviews
Did you sex them yet or start flower
Suicid3Jump3r·KootenayCraft·2317d13 reviews
Really unique aroma to this. Absolutely caked with trichomes. I’ll take a closer look with my scope later and update ratio of clear/cloudy/Amber heads. Sticky too! I am very excite
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