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February 27, 2024


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Tab7879·WTFCannabis·926d268 reviews
Here is a great budder. And again, wtf brand has done great.

It's got a great smell of clean concentrates with some sweetness in there. And when dabbed, it has a good creamy taste, with maybe a chocolate taste in the end.

The texture is perfect. Sometimes budders can be mo...
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·928d268 reviews
A really nice bud from wtfcannabis. It has a nice cure on it and not too dry or wet. The buds were mainly medium size, and firm, yet spongy. The color was a nice hue of green with a generous coating of sticky crystals throughout.

The smell is a nice blend of gas and earthy that was very p...
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·931d268 reviews
This is a very tasty budder by wtf. One of my favorite strains in a budder, so I had to try some. And I was pleasantly surprised.

When I opened it, the hints of the gas came through, and a powerful fresh budder smell. Also the texture was perfect. Nice and soft, and you can see it's ...
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·932d268 reviews
This strain I haven't had before, but I thought I'd try it and I was really happy with this one. I often say that but this in now in the top of my favorite strains.

The smell I find earthy and gassey, as well as the taste. The burn is also awesome. Coming off very clean and white....
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·934d268 reviews
A really fresh batch of Macflurry live resin. Nice and Juicy. The texture is as such that it kinda leaves a stretchy line on the dabber when you scoop it out.

The smell was very clean, with a beautiful deep resin and a hint of the flower in there. This also carries over into the smoke. Ex...
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·937d268 reviews
This was a really nice smelling bud. It had a really great smell of chocolate, with hints of gas, but the chocolate really comes through strong.

The buds were mainly medium size with a few smalls and were covered pretty heavy with crystals. They also had the perfect cure, and burned real...
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·939d268 reviews
I was extremely happy with this one. Straight from the bag you could see the crystals stuck to the bag is was so heavily coated. And when you pulled it out it left your fingers just as coated.

The colors of the bud were really nice to go along with it. It had a nice green color, with a n...
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·950d268 reviews
Another diamonds I thought I'd try since I haven't had many before. And wasn't disappointed.

The look is very nice, with one big chunk in the middle, and some smaller pieces surrounding it. It looked very clean and had hints of beautiful smells of pure concentrates.
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·952d268 reviews
These are some really potent diamonds. I am used to smoking resin, but these diamonds really had a punch to them. I made up my regular session and didn't even finish it and I was really baked, and it lasted a very long time.

The smell is mild, but still there. You can get a hint of th...
Tab7879·WTFCannabis·953d268 reviews
Wtfcannabis brand diamonds. I am very happy with this. These are definitely the real thing.

The taste is a bit different than I'm used to. But in a good way. I haven't smoked alot of diamonds but this just tastes clean. I wanna say kind of a creamy taste to it maybe I'm gettin...
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