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February 27, 2024


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Tab7879·KingTuts·2031d268 reviews
This one was a free sample, but I did order an oz of the same batch about 10 days eariler and it is bomb. Strong high, great flavour, nice medium buzz where your couch locked, but would have no problem getting up to do something....if you wanted to haha
Tab7879·KingTuts·2031d268 reviews
A great choice I’m happy I picked. It does say smalls but they were not too bad for size. It has a good kick to it, and a smell you just want to smell all day. This is a winner strain for sure
Tab7879·KingTuts·2031d268 reviews
Nice large buds coated with crystal. Amazing widow smell and taste. I am very happy with this and I think you would be too. Strong buzz too
Tab7879·KingTuts·2031d268 reviews
A fair bit of smaller buds, but I dont mind. Nice crystal coating, great smell and taste. Leaves a nice buzz too, pretty standard diesel hybrid. Worth the o ey for sure, would order again.
Tab7879·KingTuts·2041d268 reviews
Really nice smell, potency, caked in Crystal’s. I am very happy with this. For 99 I think this is a perfect aaa or aaa plus. I hope they get more because it’s now one of my favorites
Tab7879·KingTuts·2062d268 reviews
Split a quarter with a friend and that’s my side, really nice stuff, and the price if perfect
Tab7879·KingTuts·2062d268 reviews
I grabbed a large and smalls of this kind and they are both equally as good. Great smell, not shaggy, nice firm buds and perfect dryness for me. It also had alot of crystals on it. I am very happy with it, and if you dont care about smaller buds, get this and save the 10 bux cuz that is the only rea...
Tab7879·KingTuts·2062d268 reviews
King tuts done it again. This is definitely a must have in your collection of strains. I will order again. It has a very unique smell, nice taste. Really tight buds that fluff up really good.
Tab7879·KingTuts·2090d268 reviews
It’s only a sample but I thought I’d put it up cuz it’s actually pretty decent, nice and soft, great taste and high
Tab7879·KingTuts·2090d268 reviews
I grabbed another batch of this cuz I really enjoyed it. Very crystally and potent. Nice smell and taste as well
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