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March 16, 2021


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amstadamn2·TheChronFather·1397d3 reviews
It was rated AAA+/AAA on the website and listed at $450qp. I agree with the AAA rating. Pleasant gassy piney nose, sticky, plenty of purple bag appeal, smooth taste, good mix of nugs, potent head high with mid range but still very usable couch lock/body high effects, fair price. The bigger buds are ...
amstadamn2·TheChronFather·1612d3 reviews
unlike the name suggests, it reeks of piney gas

white ash, solid thick and consistent

nice dense rock hard nugs that are trimmed really tightly

high is strong from the start but mellows out within 40 minutes, where the body buzz will take over.. 50/50 hybrid from my experi...
amstadamn2·TheChronFather·1664d3 reviews
value 9.5
quality 10

hits real hard, white fluffy ash, smooth gassy taste and strong sharp gassy nose.. yeah it has the typical gassy strain simple look but boy do these terps sting!
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