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May 1, 2023


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bos420·ChronicFarms·678d643 reviews
Strain - Garlicane (GMO x Slurricane) Smalls

Visual/Texture - compact little nugs with plenty of bag appeal being formed by spade shapes. Firmly dense nugs having limited give when squeezed, and fluffing right out post grinding. Slightly dry feel when touched, becoming extremely resinous ...
bos420·ChronicFarms·679d643 reviews
Strain - Pink OG

Visual/Texture - tightly woven round oval shaped buds of medium size. These thick nugs have a semi firm density giving some play on the squeeze, greasy feeling exterior that's casing up a cladded fresh interior, sticky lined by sticky resin. Covered by bright mint sh...
bos420·OneTwoTreez·685d643 reviews
Strain - Grease Monkey (Gorilla Glue #4 x Cookies & Cream) Smalls

Visual/Texture - compiled of spade shaped, fresh feeling smaller sized buds. Soft greasy feeling density, having a spongelike texture springing back to original form. Sharing shades of bright lime with an accompanying light...
bos420·OneTwoTreez·687d643 reviews
Strain - Purple Space Cookies Diamonds

Texture/Visual - several visually appealing diamond chunks coming sealed up inside a twist top plastic case. Translucent glass like appearance on these crystals, sparkly while casting clear clean sections. Easy to scoop up with the rock hard formatio...
bos420·OneTwoTreez·690d643 reviews
Strain - MAC1 Live Resin

Texture/Visual - appearing visually clean while being stationed inside a thread topped mini plastic jar. This live resin having a wet reflective shine, and colored by a golden amber tone. Soft fresh and simple to scoop up, coming in a few sizable slabs, smoothly t...
bos420·OneTwoTreez·692d643 reviews
Strain - Vanilla Runtz (Kashmir x Afghani) Smalls

Visual/Texture - fresh feeling smaller sized buds shaped by round spade structures. A spongelike squeezable density, springing back to form, retaining a stickiness all the way throughout. Nice shades of emerald green taking on the majority...
bos420·OneTwoTreez·696d643 reviews
Strain - Ice Cream Cake Budder

Texture/Visual - sealed in a threaded plastic jar  with a twist off lid, packed inside a custom mini mylar. Already receiving subtle hints of terpenes upon cap removal. Hardened formations that become malleable once adding some warmth, and crumbling off the...
bos420·OneTwoTreez·697d643 reviews
Strain - Rolling Stones Hash

Texture/Visual - beautifully colored hash having a visually dark brown almost black surrounding appearance, stretched and torn open to reveal a lighter brown caramel tone. Very pliable puddy like consistency, easily manipulated to any shape especially with the...
bos420·BulkWeedInbox·701d643 reviews
Strain - Jamaican Dream

Visual/Texture - rounded spade shaped tightly formed structures varying between small to medium sizes. A crispy feeling exterior housing in a firm density, lined with crystal from top to bottom. The buds having a lightened lime green colored tone, with medium emer...
bos420·BulkWeedInbox·706d643 reviews
Strain - Purple Monkey Balls by Okanagan Ranch

Visual/Texture - buds with rounded spade shaped forms, being medium sized in stature. Surrounded by a fresh feeling exterior, tightly wound nugs giving up very little movement when pinched. A medium to darker olive tone covering these structu...
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