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June 7, 2018


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excellENTtrees·GrassChief·2568d67 reviews
I’ll have to say Grass Chief since I know what it costs. I am not sure how much Chrono’s cost; it was a sample. Grass Chief is pretty unbeatable at $160 for the oz iirc.
excellENTtrees·TheChrono·2568d67 reviews
I’ll have to say Grass Chief since I know what it costs. I am not sure how much Chrono’s cost; it was a sample. Grass Chief is pretty unbeatable at $160 for the oz iirc.
excellENTtrees·TheChrono·2569d67 reviews
Still too bright; was from the last round I did. The next batch will have better color and less overall light.
excellENTtrees·GrassChief·2571d67 reviews
I’ll try for less light overall next time but I think it will end up looking dark haha. It went from looking ok on video to looking totally washed out in the GIF.

Still learning the ways of the GIF but I am open to ideas.
excellENTtrees·GrassChief·2571d67 reviews
Another one!

Still tweaking but I think I am getting closer.
excellENTtrees·GrassChief·2575d67 reviews
excellENTtrees·GrassChief·2575d67 reviews
So, it’s a GIF! Trying something different. It needs better everything: contrast, lighting, resolution. I don’t know anything about making GIFs (yet).
excellENTtrees·TheChrono·2578d67 reviews
Figured I’d post this one since I know a lot of people bought it when it was on sale for $23 the last few days.

Nice flavor, similar to menthol when dabbing low temp on quartz. The flavor is mild, but it’s pleasant. Very smooth. As you can see the color and clarity look exactly like The...
excellENTtrees·TheChrono·2579d67 reviews
Haha it was always going to get recorded on video, it’s too nice not to show off the bling!

Holidays had me busier than usual so I wasn’t able to get around to it as quickly as I wanted.
excellENTtrees·GrassChief·2580d67 reviews
*Pink Tuna is a cross between two kushes: Pink Kush and Tuna Kush. Bred in Canada by 5 Star Organics this is a wicked strain and a must-try for Indica lovers.*

**Lineage:** Pink Kush x Tuna Kush

**Genetics:** 5 Star Organics

**Spectrum:** 100% Indica

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