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August 3, 2019


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jsj715·CannaBudPost·2041d3 reviews
Smell was noticeable but not strong in the bag but came out well when busted up, the bud had a really enjoyable sweet Mandarin and grass smell to it. In a joint it had a mildly harsh smoke and little flavor, it made me cough a bit and had some white, and some grey ash. It had strong effects that mad...
jsj715·CannaBudPost·2041d3 reviews
This one had a lemon and pine smell with a bit of funk to me. Semi harsh smoke, but not enough to make me cough, but it left that gross taste/feeling in my mouth. It had mostly white ash. After smoking a joint I felt focused, relaxed, and happy. The buds were pretty dense but not sticky at all, felt...
jsj715·CannaBudPost·2042d3 reviews
Srong smell of pungent/sour earth, diesel, and pine. Great smoke, very smooth and lots of flavor, has the sour pine taste, white ash. Very potent high, relaxed but energetic and motivated, with a mind numbing effect that made me get distracted a lot. Quite dense and sticky feeling bud.
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