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shroomberserk·CannaBudPost·354d9 reviews

Chocolope - Cannabudpost - March

Med to large size nugs but seem like they left it aged for a while in their inventory. The trim was fine but the smell was lacking. Maybe if you try really hard you could make out some herbal and earthy smell. I don't exactly like the potency but don't hate it either as it still get the job ...
shroomberserk·CannaBudPost·613d9 reviews

Strawbery Jerry - Cannabudpost - June

First time trying this strain and I feel like it hit every single spots in my head. It's like smoking a joint and a whole minute later everything just go out like a bang and make me wanna run around. It is a bit small and I don't think it was flushed well but the effects did make up for it. ...
TAqcan·CannaBudPost·613d26 reviews

CannaBudPost - 2g GG#4 shatter & 2g Gelatti live resin - June 2023

Abootdatlyf·CannaBudPost·721d1 review

PEANUT BUTTER BREATH-Cannabudpost - March 2023

Smell - 7/10 - the smell isn't the strongest but you can definitely smell the nutty aroma

Taste 7.5/10 out of a bong it tastes as you'd expect, carries the same nutty vibe from the smell to the taste

Burn 6/10 - I smoke bong and I found that bigger bowls don't wann...
LicketySplitBud·CannaBudPost·747d24 reviews

Jack Herer - CannabudPost - Early February

Small dense nugs and machine trimmed so it didn't get the normal fluffy appearance of Jack Herer. This strain if one of my favorite sativa all around and it's a joy to try this one. I would say the batch is fresh and okay overall and did get me a decent kick. I feel very hungry while stoned ...
1 2 3 4 5 · · ·41


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