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Flowers (focused on indica)
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thechronickid_00·CannaBudPost·2059d1233 reviews

UK Cheese - CannaBudPost - July 2019

I happen to be a big fan of cheese related strains and the more funkier and pungent, the better. This is the classic UK Cheese and it seems to be a staple of Cannabudpost’s, as it reads on the site. The buds are quite heavy and tight with those classic UK cheese colours of bright green, and orange...
chowder_rat_502·CannaBudPost·2060d2 reviews

Muerte - CannabudPost - July 2019

this is one of the better indicas I smoked lately. Such a nice terpene profile. Marketed as quad + from CBP and it meets every criteria. Smooth on the throat, just delicious taste
johnchronz·CannaBudPost·2062d6 reviews

Gods green crack - cannabudPost - July 2019

Nice tasty smoke. Clean high, ash burns clean too. First time trying ggc and first time trying CBP. Been seeing them a lot on discord decided to give them a try. Not disappointed!!
weezyf604·CannaBudPost·2085d1 review

UK Cheese (AAAA) -

I get points for posting their stuff that gets upvoted :)
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