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Vorgstrom·CannaBudPost·2033d1 review Review - Late July 2019

Cannabud recently send me a sample pack contingent on me reviewing the products. This is my first attempt at a review on this forum so please be gentle. Any advice on how to better my reviews is welcome. Thanks.

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Overall rating out of 10: 7/10

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chowder_rat_502·CannaBudPost·2034d2 reviews

Rockstar smalls ($90) - CannabudPost - Aug 2019

I was surprised this is on sale for $90. Even though it’s popcorn nugs, it is still really sticky, as you can tell from the thc in the photo if you look close.

The smell is great too can definitely tell it’s no doubt classic rockstar as soon as you bust it out the bag. Ash burns s &...
jsj715·CannaBudPost·2039d5 reviews

JaceOfSpades' CannaBudPost 3 strain review

CannaBudPost sample pack review

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The website is well built and easy to browse. The categories are easily visible from the homepage and there is banner pictures of deals and ...
shhbb·CannaBudPost·2039d54 reviews

Alien OG - Cannabudpost - July 2019

Recieved as a sample. This stuff was ok. Smells super fruity, bag appeal is there. This stuff didn’t burn the greatest for me in a joint and I found a small under developed seed in my sample nug. Not terrible by any means but not something I would be interested in smoking more of at $150 an oz.
shhbb·CannaBudPost·2039d54 reviews

Muerte - Cannabudpost - July 2018

I really like this stuff. Potent but won’t knock you completely out. Tastes amazing. Awesome gassy/earthy smells coming off this bud. Burns well. The guy running CS also informed me this and the Mandarin haze would be recieving price drops. Wish I had more of this stuff to smoke. Right up my alley...
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