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Flowers (focused on indica)
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HypeInFaMous·CannaBudPost·2031d241 reviews

Alien OG - Cannabudpost - August

Bud had a nice fruity smell. Buzz was somewhat clear headed and uplifting. Not strongest hitting weed but still was enjoyable effects. I didnt enjoy the taste much, very grassy. Wasnt harsh and burned grey.
captcrunch·CannaBudPost·2031d120 reviews

Platinum Bubba Kush - CannaBudPost - Aug 2019

Very chill buzz from this strain, knocked me out cold with a strong body high. Nice flowery/earthy nose.
captcrunch·CannaBudPost·2031d120 reviews

UK Cheese - CannaBudPost - Aug 2019

Sorry for the bright pic all. This strain is very pungent, it smells cheesy af. Def my favourite of the strains I tried from them. Chill high, mix between body / head high.
HypeInFaMous·CannaBudPost·2032d241 reviews

Nuken - Cannabudpost - August

Has a fruity nose to it. Bud had some noticable leaves but nothing crazy. Burned light grey for the most part with some black. Wasnt too harsh but kinda itched your throat a tiny bit but it wasnt an issue. Taste wasnt as nice as the smell although you still got that hint of fruit. Had more of a eart...
HypeInFaMous·CannaBudPost·2033d241 reviews

Wedding Cake - Cannabudpost - August

Opening the package I noticed the very pleasant sweet vanilla like smell. Buds werent dry at all and had the perfect freshness/moisture. It burned salt and pepper although it wasnt a harsh smoke by no means. The taste was same as the nose, bigger hits getting more pronounced taste which made it a pr...
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