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Latest Review:
June 2, 2019


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laybak·GanjaGrams·2591d18 reviews
As usual with this strain, it’s very colourful. I smoked some a week or 2 ago and felt it was on the weaker side. I’ll go try it again in a bit and report back.
laybak·Chronic Delivery·2616d18 reviews
I’m going to review these guys later but this was one of 3 strains I grabbed. Awesome price. They sold out after I ordered (said they would send extra) so I got the bottom but damn look at those colours.

I ordered a 1/4 but ended up getting about 12g with 2g of it being shake. Not a bad ...
laybak·BCMedichronic·2622d18 reviews
Only got an 1/8 of this so limited nugs to photograph but I loved all the colours on this one. They aren’t all this purple but regardless this strain is a killer hybrid!
laybak·BCMedichronic·2629d18 reviews
Got 1 gram of this in my sample pack and found about a dozen seeds in it. Didn’t even notice them until I ground it up. The strain itself is on the weaker side so I wasn’t planning to buy again either way.
Still love this mom though.
laybak·Delivery Meds·2634d18 reviews
Just showing this under appreciated strain some love. Killer price and it’s a great any time high. From my research I think it’s about 10% each THC CBD
laybak·GanjaGrams·2649d18 reviews
Grabbed too many things over black Friday so haven’t got around to it yet. Need to compare it to the gsc I got from herbcity.
laybak·BCMedichronic·2649d18 reviews
I really loved the colour in this strain. if I bought it again it would really only be for that reason. It wasn’t at all bad but not in my top 5 from the sample pack
laybak·BCMedichronic·2681d18 reviews
Going to work on better lighting and backgrounds. Really enjoying zooming in on these hairy buds
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