Ordering & Pricing: Super simple ordering, pricing seemed fair... They accepted e-transfer and even CC... Free shipping aft...er $150, Mine came in a little over 2 days, like 52 hours to be exact. Ordered on 1pm tuesday, received
Communication: They sent some automated emails..?
Packaging: The three items where compressed together with a vacuum seal thick plastic, and then it was all in a small pizza box with a pair of yellow socks with weed symbols (looks comfy, I guess it came free with my first order?), and a sticker of their company logo and then a post-card...
Products / Photos: $30 phoenix tears 600mg, $20 for 5g of black hash, and a $135 of Mantasuka Thunder Fuck. <-- I bought simply for novelty name sake, and turns out to be a badass sativa bud with a pungent citrus fruity smell. And their product weighed out to be 28.04 exactly, with plenty of large lugs populating just under 3g a piece, the largest was 3g and it is the one that is pictured in 3 nugs pics with different, but still bad, lighting. I’d say abbout 4 of those just under 3 size and then the majority from 1.5g-3g nugs, and very few nugs small than that. I was happy. Also because it was one of their cheapest ounces. The mason jar photo is already with 4 big nugs out, oof good smoke.
Album link: https://imgur.com/a/I1v04WS
Incentive for Customers: If you DM me or follow this referral link { https://pacificgrass.ca/?raf=ref4089906 } you can recieve $25 worth in ’Points’ for your order. Apparently I recieved a little over $7 of points after my first whole order. AND I used this referral link for my original order, I recieved it from a post on Reddit.
Incentive for Review: I hope to recieve $25 worth of points! I’m not sure if i’m suppose to go incognito about this or what, but I must stay transparent. I usually don’t do these things but I figured I would start, here and on reddit. :)
Notes: I will be back... and definitely to review if the points system thing works out..