
May 1, 2019
Review Count:
First Review:
May 1, 2019
Latest Review:
May 2, 2019


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Raptorfan93·KootenayCraft·2126d2 reviews
Welcome to the seventh post of the CANseries. Today I will be introducing one of my top 3 companies from the upcoming top 10 list (ETA: end of May 2019). It is Black Cap Canna Cans and they are a class act. They provide in-house organically grown products directly to consumers and through online dis...
Raptorfan93·OkanaganGreen·2128d2 reviews
Hi all,

Welcome to the sixth post of the CANseries. Apologies for the delay since my last post, but life has been demanding. Today’s review is about an Instagram Mail order service called Okanagan Green or Okg.

I initially came across this service based on a review from an OG on ...
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