
November 1, 2018
Review Count:
First Review:
November 1, 2018
Latest Review:
April 10, 2019


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frankthetank·KingTuts·2147d4 reviews
King Tuts

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Ordering & Pricing: Pricing was great as always, King Tuts has $99 ounces rotating which keeps things spicy, and lots of good selection of higher quality strains. The point system is an added bonus! The ordering is convenient, I haven’t yet had any i...
frankthetank·KingTuts·2238d4 reviews
Hi y’all!

I will be checking out four strains for my second King Tuts review.

We will be looking at Gods Green Crack, Lemon Sour Diesel, Strawberry Banana, and Grease Monkey.

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Overall rating out of 10: 9/10

Sign Up: I was already regi...
frankthetank·KingTuts·2299d4 reviews
Hi y’all!

I will be reviewing five strains from King Tuts for my second review. MirkaLane gave the Bruce Banner a really good review, so I was excited to try some out. I’ve been working on my macro photography, so I hope you guys enjoy the photos!

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frankthetank·TheHighClub·2307d4 reviews
Hi y’all!

I was lucky enough to stumble onto this forum which provided me with some great info as far as choosing my first MOM. As such, I felt that it would be nice to provide a review of my own. Please feel free to provide me with feedback!

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The High Club .ca (T...
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