
December 22, 2019
Review Count:
First Review:
December 22, 2019
Latest Review:
November 21, 2023




MCDaddy75·TheCannaSociety·1601d163 reviews
Purple Trainwreck from The Canna Society
Purple Trainwreck Final Pic 1 small.jpg
Visual: This Purple Trainwreck has some really nice visuals for a budget oz. It was very frosty and sugared looking. It was a bright green at the bottom of the buds and as you got closer to the tip it darkened i...
MCDaddy75·TheCannaSociety·1601d163 reviews
Purple Punch x Do-Si-Dos from The Canna Society
Purple Punch x D0-Si-Dos Final Pic 3 small.jpg
Visual: There was some nice crystal coverage on this one. Overall it was a light green but there were some bright greens and some purple leaves poking out from the buds as well. There were lots of ...
MCDaddy75·bhang-bhang·1603d163 reviews
Delato from Bhang-Bhang
Dolato Final Pic 1 small.jpg
Visual: It was a very nice looking bud. It was very frosty and sugared looking and there were lots of brown hairs all over. It was very dense and it didn’t have much of a give to it.

Nose: The nose was spicy and musky and earth...
MCDaddy75·bhang-bhang·1604d163 reviews
Lemonder from Bhang-Bhang
Lemonder Final Pic 1 small.jpg
Visual: This one had a cool look to it. It had an inner crystal coverage as the outside was covered in lots of multi coloured fuzzy hairs. They It had a light army green colour overall and the hairs were light brown, orange and even ye...
MCDaddy75·bhang-bhang·1605d163 reviews
Slurricane from Bhang-Bhang
Slurricane Final 1 small.jpg
Visual: This one had very nice visuals. It had a nice structure and lots of different colours. There were some bright greens, some medium greens and some dark greens closer to the tip with some purple hues to it as well. There was a go...
MCDaddy75·ShadesOfGreen·1605d163 reviews
Gorilla Glue #4 Diamonds from Shades Of Green
GG #4 Final Pic 1 small.jpg
The visuals were similar to the Cookie Dough but a bit lighter in colour. The nose was light and it was a bit gassy with a sweet sugary chemical smell. The taste had even more of that chemical flavour that was similar ...
MCDaddy75·ShadesOfGreen·1609d163 reviews
Cookie Dough Diamonds from Shades Of Green
Cookie Dough Diamond Final Pic 1 small.jpg
It had a neat consistency and colour to it. It was like clumpy wet crystallized sugar and it had a creamy colour. The smell was a sweet creamy vanilla. It had those cake smells to it and the taste was simil...
MCDaddy75·ShadesOfGreen·1609d163 reviews
BlueBerry Kief from Shades Of Green
Blueberry Kief Final 1 small.jpg
I really enjoyed this Blueberry Kief. It had a nice skunky Blueberry flavour and it had a good potency level for me. I got a great instant buzz from it. It was an uplifting rush at first but then it mellowed out with a heav...
MCDaddy75·ShadesOfGreen·1610d163 reviews
Lemon Lime Kush from Shades Of Green
Lemon Lime Kush Final Pic 1 small.png
Visual: The colour was a light army green on this one and it had light brown/orange hairs all over. The buds were quite a bit squished, especially the bigger ones. They had a decent amount of crystal and they were qui...
MCDaddy75·ShadesOfGreen·1611d163 reviews
Nirvana from Shades Of Green
Nirvana Final Pic 2 small.png
Visual: This one had a Sativa look to it. It has light greens and bright greens with orange hairs all over. It had lots of crystal, especially when I opened it up. It had a nice cone like structure and it was a bit dense bit it still...
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