Overall, Ganjagrams is a repeat from me. I loved the prices, all the available choices & the quick delivery. The only thing that bothered me - not enough to not use them again, though - is the shipping price.
Peach Buzzys by Mystic Medibles
ht...tps://i.imgur.com/roCsZgC_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium The taste of these gummies are okay, but with an awful aftertaste. They do not smell much and pretty much like a regular gummy. With cool side effects.
One of these does the trick for me - I’m still a newbie! This product made me go through a great body experience, made me feel very relaxed & sleepy. Felt like I was forever diving in my bed sheets, but somehow in a positive way.
Orange Sativa Jelly Bomb
https://i.imgur.com/eiCJP1U_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium This gummy comes in one piece that has to be cut in smaller portions to be consumed, which is a bit annoying in my opinion. The taste is straight up awful.
I’ve started by using three pieces from this product. Wrong - I had a badtrip. Two pieces turned out to be enough for me, but still, my experiences with that product weren’t crazy good. While it is the only one labeled as sativa among the ones I bought, my experiences didn’t remind me at all of the good ones I had with sativa & I didn’t get the effects I was looking forward to, or only a very light version of them.
Milk Chocolate Bar by Kush Kitchen
https://i.imgur.com/bBX9jUA_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium Finally, this one has a decent taste! It also has a stronger smell & it comes in one piece but breaks into three. While it advertises 1/3 of the bar as being one portion, but my weak ass is perfectly fine with a 3 cm portion only (1/9 of the whole bar).
Among the haul, this was my favorite product, which made me go through the effects I want to experience most of the time I use cannabis - feeling very positive, energetic, overall just having a near euphoria experience, with an increase sensibility to body sensations. Taking a hot bath feels insanely good, orgasms make me visit another dimension, good food makes me sexually aroused, hell, the air on my skin feels good. Do I need to tell you I’m buying that stuff again?