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July 21, 2023


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Growpro64·TheHerbCentre·590d4 reviews
Nice skunky/gas aroma right upon ripping open the bag. Cleanly cut sticky buds with nice hints of darker hues.

Nice strong buzz right after the first few hits i really enjoyed the couchlock on this one smokes white ash and had a oil ring. real good smoke for the price

Growpro64·TheHerbCentre·664d4 reviews
tasty with good price. comes with 2 of these tins in one pack only took a picture of the forst one i opened. took 1 and a half last night powerful buzz with relaxing body high too helps with my bad back when i sleep. 9/10
Growpro64·TheHerbCentre·1983d4 reviews
really enjoying it so far cause it smokes so smooth. I usually just smoke before bed and this puts me straight to sleep so im pretty glad with the quality on this one
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