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May 12, 2020


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High_not_tired·KushStation·1764d3 reviews
Strain: Pink Kush (indica)

Supplier: Kushstation

Month purchased: Late April 2020

Consumption method: Vaporizer

Personal review:

Opening that recognizable green Kushstation pouch, I was slapped in the nostrils by a gassy vanilla which kinda reminded me ...
High_not_tired·GreenSociety·1766d3 reviews
Strain: Juicy Fruit (sativa hybrid)

Supplier: Green Society

Month purchased: Late April 2020

Consumption method: Vaporizer

Personal review:

Gassy smell with fruity undertones. Like a farting plum. Hits you straight out the bag. Good size buds, mixed with...
High_not_tired·GreenSociety·1773d3 reviews
For me it personally didn’t taste much like it’s name, and left a minty kick in the back of my nose when vaped. BUT... I recently recovered from Covid, so my taste and smell still isn’t quite right. I definitely get more of an aroma than taste of fruitiness.

For me, I really like the...
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