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November 3, 2020


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MarleysDad86·PacificGrass·1574d17 reviews
My Iphone 7 camera does this no justice. It’s visually much more appealing than my photos BUTTTTTTT....... man those funky ass rotten fruit terps are amazing. The cart is identical to the flower as well. Love this strain!!
MarleysDad86·PacificGrass·1574d17 reviews
It’s perfect cure (for my taste anyways) , right in between sticky and dry. I have quite a collection of strains so usually smoke 1 every 1-2 weeks but I leave jarred with integra boost packs. Almost gets better over time :)

You only smoke once every two weeks? That’ll last you awhile ...
MarleysDad86·PacificGrass·1574d17 reviews
I don’t normally buy much 3A but this was such a deal I couldn’t pass it up. Total came to $105 for an Oz so my expectations were low but WOW , was I surprised by the quality. It burned a little darker and wasn’t as smooth as 240$ Quads but I would definitely buy again at this price point.
MarleysDad86·PacificGrass·1574d17 reviews
Sure is. I’m usually snoring 30 mins after smoking it before bed.
MarleysDad86·KushStation·1631d17 reviews
Pink Death by cincopax . ($70 1/4) Only smoked 1 joint of it so far but it knocked me on my ass . Danky , fresh , pink nose and nice smooth burn. Highly recommend if you’re a fan of a good pink strain. Would definitely purchase again.
MarleysDad86·KushStation·1637d17 reviews
Another great indica from Bubba Kings. Perfect cure , nose and burn . Not complete couch lock so I could see day or night use with this one but still a strong buzz . Not as great as the Kings Candy but not far behind. Would definitely buy again , even with a high price point
MarleysDad86·KushStation·1651d17 reviews
Not the first time I’ve gotten EE cookies and cream and won’t be the last. One of my favourites this year . The nose is an amazing vanilla cookie dough and only gets better once in a jar with some boveda. Smooth and burns clean . A little drier than I prefer but it’s the only small negative I ...
MarleysDad86·GizmoCrafts·1655d17 reviews
I didn’t try CE grow but I had Enigmas PDB. Very similar . Both super terpy, like a sweet grape.
MarleysDad86·GizmoCrafts·1656d17 reviews
I’ll update my reviews later tonight but everything is amazing so far , just received first order ever yesterday evening . No incentives to leave review but I like spreading the word on good MOMs , especially if smaller or newer.
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