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January 9, 2020


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Purchased during the HSP Boxing Day sale. $240 - 30% = $168.

It smells like blue candy. It’s the most purple bud I have ever seen in my life. It hits like a truck. And most of the bugs are ~3.5g.

Bag appeal - 9/10 - trim could be a bit better

Value - 10/10

CP is either taking two weeks to deliver stuff to me or inexplicably delivering within 12 hours on a Sunday and there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it
One of the most unique-tasting strains I have ever had (I find I keep saying this about HSP strains). The smell is a combo of cherries, rose, and red wine. But the taste is effervescent cherry cola. The first few drags from my Air are heavenly. The buds twinkle like the night skies. So happy with th...
Tastes like an orange grove and is almost furry with crystals. I don’t remember last night.
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